
Monday, August 20, 2012

توفير الطاقه

sun Breakers
Breakers of the sun, as an architect, is the external segments of fixed or portable, horizontal and / or anchored, placed on the building openings, to allow the entry of the beam
Solar in the winter and to prevent sunlight from entering in the summer. These slides are made of different materials such as aluminum and concrete or
the Western Interface
This interface is the most difficult interfaces in the thermal treatment, as it exposed to direct sunlight at higher temperatures making it a must before
Thinking in architecture artificial means is to think in guiding the building so that less holes in this direction. Therefore, in this interface is required to increase
Wall thickness and the use of double walls between which there is an insulating layer. And the best architecture is the use of sun breakers anchor move with the angles
The sun.
The southern Interface
Exposed southern face of direct sunlight in the middle of the day and the angle of the fall of the sun is high in summer and low in winter.
Architecture and the best means to address these interfaces is the use of horizontal sun breakers fixed and mobile, Balconies and Bergullac
Breakers sun in the western façade
Breakers in the sun's western façade should parallel the path of the sun as seen from the window so it can pick a Western-ray
The same efficiency in the horizontal sun beakers the southern facade

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